SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER is an inspired story of love, dedication, and the unique bond between two diverse humans. This romantic comedy documents the entertaining love story of Kyle Fever and Maria Montoya. The unlikely duo who met while completing undergraduate studies (one more responsibly than the other) at Western Illinois University discover after devoting 7 years to one another that destiny has led them to the altar. Their families and friends must come together to celebrate the dawn of a new era in their relationship. In a true story of love, friendship, and family, Kyle and Maria finally make that solemn vow.
Kyle Fever as "The Groom"
Kyle brings home the bacon by fulfilling his duties as a correctional officer for a county jail. He may appear quiet and reserved, but don't let this first impression fool you. Kyle is known for his entertaining sense of humor and radiating heart of gold. In his free time, Kyle enjoys spending hours on end playing his PS3, taking the dogs for walks, and engaging in the lost art of paintball.
Maria Montoya as "The Bride"
Maria received her M.S. degree in Exercise Physiology and now earns a living working as an Exercise Specialist. Maria is known for her enthusiastic (sometimes obnoxious) personality and passion for life. In her free time, Maria enjoys baking, crafting, and embarrassing Kyle. She also enjoys dancing 'til the wee hours of the morning, proving her siblings wrong, and spoiling her two four-legged children, Gilbert and Reggie.
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